
Topamax (topiramate) is an anticonvulsant used for preventing and controlling seizures. Another possible use is to prevent migraine headaches. It’s important to remember that topiramate will not stop an attack of migraine headache in progress, but it can be taken regularly to decrease the frequency of such headaches and prevent them from occurring. You can buy Topamax 25 mg online without a prescription if you think this is a better way. More and more people discover it is indeed more convenient to buy topiramate online, as there is no need to go anywhere and the order can be placed in under five minutes. Topamax 25 mg is the most commonly prescribed dose, as it works for most patients as expected without causing aside effects. Some patients may require a dose higher than Topamax 25 mg, but the risk of side effects will increase as well. Topamax is taken with some food or without, usually two times a day at regular intervals. It’s best to keep your treatment routine the same every day to avoid forgetting about the next dose to be taken. You should not stop the treatment suddenly and without talking to your doctor, as the symptoms you have been trying to control or prevent will be more likely to occur. If the treatment needs to be stopped, you will have to take less and less every few days. Topamax should not be shared with other people or taken for longer than recommended. You may need to see your doctor regularly for tests and check-ups to be sure the medicine is working properly.
Side Effects
Side effects of Topamax are usually mild and include nervousness, sore throat, sneezing, stuffy nose, diarrhea and mild dizziness. There is usually no need to worry about those, as they go away soon on their own. More serious side effects on the other hand, do need to be discussed with your doctor if they occur, especially dry mouth, dry skin, increased thirst, loss of appetite, sudden vision loss, vomiting or irregular heartbeats.